Phoenix, AZ • Paid • Closes September 15
If you’re passionate about livestock, the smell of Final Bloom, professional event media coverage – and you’re committed to working hard, apply to be one of the next premier Arizona National Livestock Show (“Arizona National”) interns, December 26 – 31, 2024 in Phoenix, AZ. You’ll want to shed your coat to let the ambition and wit shine through.
This is an opportunity for intelligent, creative, and motivated college-aged candidates with a strong work ethic to uphold the highly respected Arizona National digital media brand. For six full days, you’ll be held to high standards in producing purple ribbon worthy content in a fast-paced environment. You’ll be meeting deadlines and getting those award-winning shots while wood shavings are collecting in your shoes.
OR…If you are a livestock show junkie and want to experience the production side of a livestock show, apply to be a Livestock Show Livestock intern and help keep our exhibitors informed and the show running smoothly.
The Arizona National Livestock show will provide a champion experience with a behind-the-scenes look at the livestock show, but will also cover round-trip airfare, lodging and a $550 stipend. Transportation during the event will be available and breakfast and lunch will be provided.
Livestock Show Media Internship: December 26 – 31, 2024
Are you a Junior or Senior in college looking to expand on your killer resume with more communications/media experience? As a Media Intern, you will…
Create Facebook and Instagram Story content
Direct and execute promotional videos
Manage multiple Facebook group communities
Compose hard-hitting story features on the Arizona National blog
Proofread anything and everything around you
Livestock Show Livestream Media Internship: December 26 – 31, 2024
Are you a Freshman or Sophomore in college looking to gain more media experience? As a Livestream Media Intern, you will…
Operate our livestream videos, which includes the utilization of publishing software and graphics
Assist with managing the behind-the-scenes of facilitating a livestream video
Assist with the general promotion of the AZ National Livestock Show
Livestock Show Photography Internship: December 26 – 31, 2024
As a Photography Intern, you will…
Create shoot lists and timelines for each daily schedule
Cover livestock shows as requested
Capture candid moments (Yes, we’re talking about those family moments happening outside of the show ring, while also capturing the showmanship stare downs)
Assist with the uploading and organization of digital files
Communicate with Media and Graphic interns on needed collateral
Livestock Show Graphic Design Internship: December 26 – 31, 2024
As a Graphic Design Intern, you will…
Work directly with the official Arizona National brand guide
Produce professional visuals to coincide with social and blog posts in a timely matter
Assist with collateral updates and version control
Assist with video production – shooting, editing, etc.
Aid Media interns in developing time-sensitive announcement messages
Livestock Show Livestock Internship: December 26 – 31, 2024
As a Livestock Intern, you will…
Direct and assist with exhibitor and livestock check-in
Participate in daily show preparations – organizing show books, awards, announcer copies, etc.
Assist with show clerking – input weights, class breaks, results, etc.
Supervise the show rings
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